Post by * *A P R I L ♥ on Jul 29, 2011 2:14:50 GMT -6
So I don't necessarily care if you pretty up your posts or not. I just think it's a pain to always have to go to an external source to find my colors. So I posted this page for everyone if you wanted to see specific colors and how they look here on Anonymous Me. As you can see there are some that work and there are a few that are just painful to try and read. Haha, just avoid the darker end of the spectrum.
{And Here They Are}
{teal} {darkcyan} {cadetblue}
{lightseagreen} {darkturquoise} {mediumturquoise}
{turquoise}{aqua} {cyan}
{paleturquoise} {aquamarine}
{lightseagreen} {darkturquoise} {mediumturquoise}
{turquoise}{aqua} {cyan}
{paleturquoise} {aquamarine}
{navy} {midnightblue} {darkslateblue}
{mediumblue} {blue} {slateblue}
{steelblue} {lightsteelblue} {royalblue}
{dodgerblue} {cornflowerblue} {deepskyblue}
{lightskyblue} {skyblue} {lightblue}
{mediumblue} {blue} {slateblue}
{steelblue} {lightsteelblue} {royalblue}
{dodgerblue} {cornflowerblue} {deepskyblue}
{lightskyblue} {skyblue} {lightblue}
{indigo} {purple} {darkmagenta}
{darkviolet} {darkorchid} {blueviolet}
{mediumslateblue} {mediumpurple} {mediumorchid}
{orchid} {violet} {plum}
{thistle} {lavender}{lavenderblush}
{darkviolet} {darkorchid} {blueviolet}
{mediumslateblue} {mediumpurple} {mediumorchid}
{orchid} {violet} {plum}
{thistle} {lavender}{lavenderblush}
{darkred} {firebrick} {crimson}
{red} {indianred} {palevioletred}
{red} {indianred} {palevioletred}
{darkgreen} {darkolivegreen} {olive}
{olivedrab} {green} {forestgreen}
{seagreen} {mediumseagreen} {darkseagreen}
{mediumaquamarine} {chartreuse}{honeydew}{lawngreen}
{olivedrab} {green} {forestgreen}
{seagreen} {mediumseagreen} {darkseagreen}
{mediumaquamarine} {chartreuse}{honeydew}{lawngreen}
{maroon} {brown} {saddlebrown}
{sienna} {chocolate} {rosybrown}
{peru} {burlywood} {tan}
{darkgoldenrod} {goldenrod} {gold}
{sienna} {chocolate} {rosybrown}
{peru} {burlywood} {tan}
{darkgoldenrod} {goldenrod} {gold}
{mediumvioletred} {fuchsia} {magenta}
{deeppink} {hotpink} {pink}
{deeppink} {hotpink} {pink}
{darkkhaki} {yellowgreen} {lightgreen}
{springgreen} {mediumspringgreen}
{springgreen} {mediumspringgreen}
{orangered} {tomato} {coral}
{lightcoral} {darksalmon} {darkorange}
{orange} {sandybrown} {lightsalmon}
{lightcoral} {darksalmon} {darkorange}
{orange} {sandybrown} {lightsalmon}
{black} {darkslategray} {dimgray}
{gray} {slategray} {lightslategray}
{darkgray} {silver} {lightgray}
{gray} {slategray} {lightslategray}
{darkgray} {silver} {lightgray}
{aliceblue} {antiquewhite} {azure}
{beige} {bisque} {cornsilk}
{blanchedalmond}{floralwhite} {ghostwhite}
{beige} {bisque} {cornsilk}
{blanchedalmond}{floralwhite} {ghostwhite}
{lemonchiffon} {lightcyan} {lightgoldenrodyellow}
{lightyellow} {lime}
{lightyellow} {lime}
{mintcream} {moccasin} {navajowhite}
{oldlace} {papayawhip} {peachpuff}
{oldlace} {papayawhip} {peachpuff}
{palegoldenrod} {seashell} {snow}
{wheat} {white} {whitesmoke}
{wheat} {white} {whitesmoke}